Mines and Minerals Reporter

Issue# 12 Dec 2024

Issue# 11 Nov 2024

The Reporter

There’s turmoil in the world of mining. On the one hand, mining activities are shifting from the developed to the developing and less developed economies while on the other hand fallout of the last two decade’s ills are plaguing many a producer: Low ore prices, shrinking mineral exploration, shooting expenditure, and over capacities in extreme cases are all chipping in their bits.

The concern for the environment, increasing awareness of paying back to nature after we plunder, the need and the desire to be good corporate citizens, the concept of being and thinking green are all concerns that are facing the industry today, albeit in different degrees.

The result for the above is chaos but will there be a God of Mines who’ll create a cosmos from this underbelly of nature? Will recovering ore prices stem the rot and change things for the better? Will Technological expertise provide the way out?

With a view towards addressing the above core concerns and with a view towards meeting the crying need for providing an industrial voice the editorial team of “Steel and Metallurgy”, in association with industry watches, academics and analysts have ventured on the path of launching “Mines and Minerals Reporter”.

Highlights –
  • Key industrial issues
  • Analysis on global trends
  • Report on events of interest
  • Studies on major happenings
  • News items from the perspective of the indian industry
  • Trying to indegenise news and statistical content so that in a barrier less global order indian
  • Entities can keep themselves abreast of the latest trends and profit from the same
What does it contain?
  • Trends in mining technologies
  • Processing of minerals and utilisations
  • Material handling needs & related developments including introduction of new conveyors cleaning systems etc.
  • Overview of various minerals & ores
  • Mining deposits & explorations
  • News
  • Statistics